Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Beginning - Cakes, Cupcakes and more

I am Alicia Humphries, a wife, mother and creative nut. I graduated from Purdue University in 2000 with a degree in Civil Engineering. I worked as an engineer until September 2009 when I quit my job to care for my mother who was suffering from Lymphoma. Luckily she is cured of cancer and doing well.

When my niece told me she wanted cupcakes at her wedding (June 12, 2010) I thought, "I can do it for you." So in January 2010 I began making cupcakes, then her bridal shower cake and now I am making cakes and cupcakes for friends and family.

I enjoy baking but also love other creative activities, crocheting, knitting, sewing, stained glass and quilting to name a few. Some of my skills I learned from my mother and most everything else I taught myself. There is a book or website to teach you how to do just about anything!

I am just getting started on my cake decorating journey. I hope you enjoy viewing pictures of some of the things I have made. Please come back soon as I will post new pictures frequently.


  1. These cakes sure do look delicious. I have a question for you though - any thoughts about branching out into the brownie field? You seem to have cake and cupcakes down but I'd really like to see something in a chocolate brownie with chocolate frosting...maybe some sprinkles for flair?

  2. Jeff I'm glad you asked. I actually did heart shaped brownies for a Bridal Shower recently but I failed to take any pictures of them. No frosting on them just powdered sugar. I probably like making brownies and cupcakes the most. Thanks for checking out the page.
